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Watch Superman Cartoons Online

Where can I watch x-men cartoons online or free is one of the most common questions that I answer in Yahoo! Answers. I cannot recall how many times I have actually answered that, but somehow the question is still constantly being asked. Therefore, I decided to write this article to spill the beans on where to watch x-men cartoon online. Hold on now … I am not asking you to download illegally of course! Since you are a fan of the X-men (obviously), I do not mind sharing some secrets with my fellow X-fan.

So some of the websites that comes straight into my mind when I think about video sharing is Youtube, Google Video, Yahoo! Video and so on. So I tried searching "x-men cartoon" in these few websites and sure enough I found quite a range of videos. However, most of the videos that I found were very short videos of about maybe 10 minutes, a lot of them are re-enacted by potential actors/actresses and so on. So if you are looking to watch x-men cartoon like x-men evolution and so on, you might be disappointed.

But no worries, my recommendations below should be able to satisfy your quench for x-men cartoons.

My Recommendations:

If you are looking to watch x-men cartoon such as the 1990s x-men or x-men evolution, I suggest you go to these 2 websites:

*Clicking on the links below will open a new window

  1. Peekvid
  2. Alluc

However, these 2 websites above do not have all episodes. Sometimes, some of the links are no longer valid. It could be possible that the videos were deleted due to copyrights issue. At the moment, they are the best that I can find so far. But if you are looking for videos that are homemade, funny and good fun then I suggest you go to websites such as:

  1. Youtube
  2. Google Video
  3. Yahoo! Video

The best will be Youtube because it has been around for quite a long time unlike Yahoo! Video, which have started not too long ago (at least not to my knowledge). In other words, Yahoo! has a smaller database of videos and so you will be better looking for videos on Youtube and Google Video first. But let's not write Yahoo! Videos off yet because they are indeed growing.

Side Note:
It is necessary to have a broadband Internet connection to be able to watch x-men cartoons online smoothly. So if you have a 56k Internet connection, you can still watch but you will be waiting a long time for the video to load.

About the Author: Valerie Pooh is a huge X-men fan and she has a website that talks all about the X-men. She is also a guest writer for writing articles related to the X-men. Copyright 2007 - Valerie Pooh. All Rights Reserved.
