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Ramona Fradon Aquaman Comic Book For Sale

If comic book creation is what you want to learn or do, then you are in luck. In this day and age the process of comic creation has never been easier. A rookie can learn how to create great comics without working at a comic book company like marvel or even going to comic book related classes. Well, going to comic book related classes has never much been the norm.

The general public still thinks that when it comes to comic book creation you have to have a lot of talent in drawing or sequential story telling. Contrary to popular belief I would have to say that this is not necessarily true. Don’t get me wrong, some creators do have more talent in writing than others and some have more talent in drawing than others. My major point is this, there is a common factor with all creators whether talented or not. This common factor rests in the fact that every one of these creators has to learn and continually learn.

Reality is, many of these talented creators that we know about today did a lot of practice and learning to become as talented as they are. So what I’m I saying? I’ll make it quick and to the point. What we know as talent is usually learned. This means that a less than average comic book creator can become a talented comic book creator. This is good news especially to those placed in the category of the less talented because if you are interested in comic book creation, you should learn all you could to be the best comic book creator you possibly can be. Who knows, you as well may one day be considered a great talented comic book creator.

For some the mentioning of comic book creation may automatically bring thoughts of learning how to draw and write comic books. This is not just it. There are a lot of things involved in comic book creation. And the knowledge of these things can make life a lot simpler in the art of comic book creation. These other things include knowing your audience, marketing/advertising, selling your comic books and all the other nips and tricks that can make a comic appear more appealing. These even include software knowledge. It is important to be aware of all these factors that lead to an appealing comic book.

For example, some software have literally reduced a creators work and can even allow them to self publish. Soft wares like Adobe Photo shop and My Comic Book Creator has made life much easier for some creators. In fact My Comic Book Creator is one of the few comic book related software that allow you to create your comic book from start to finish. This software implements an easy copy and paste method for anyone who does not know how to draw but have a lot of pictures. Note that this software is not software that you can use to color and edit your pictures like in Photo shop. And it definitely would not draw your pictures for you, so don’t expect these extra functions.

Furthermore, my comic book creator software would allow you to organize your pages, add background images, and create text bubbles and panels. These functions on this software alone would quicken the creation process while keeping your work neat and professional. I must add, a neat and professional looking comic book enhances the appeal of the comic book. Therefore, as an aspiring comic book creator, make it your duty to learn about comic book creation, so that you to can also create an excellent comic book.

I am a co-owner of Comic Book and Strip Service, which is centered in helping creators develop unique and appealing concepts. You can visit us at
